Sunday, September 30, 2012

The beginning

We figured since we're on the opposite side of the country from most of our family and friends a blog would be a good way to keep everyone in the loop!

We found out I was pregnant on July 28th. It was important to find out that day because we were planning to celebrate our birthdays the following day, and well, I needed to know what kind of drink I could order. That margarita will just have to wait until next year.

We wanted to wait to announce the pregnancy until we felt we were in the "safe zone." Currently I'm a little over 14 weeks along and things are going well. We got to hear the bean's heartbeat August 28th and September 25th and it was perfect <3

I'll make sure to do a separate post about symptoms and cravings but overall I think I've had it pretty easy so far!

Love you all,

Erin and Tim