Wednesday, April 10, 2013

First Week Home

We've officially been home a week; we've been peed on and pooped on but the good news is we are all still alive and no one is sleep deprived!! We even have a few successful family outings under our belt. Her first big outing was to Red Robin and Fred Meyer. She slept through it all. Holla!

Daddy has been wonderful and takes care of virtually everything during the, cooking, diap changes. I feed little one and even get to sneak in the occasional nap when she is is good! At night time I stay with her, and fortunately she is a good girl so I do get some rest. We try not to wake daddy at all so he can get a full night's rest. So far this has been a great process for us. Neither of us are overly tired and no one is cranky which has to be better for baby girl :-)

Watching the basketball game with Daddy
Makeala has had a couple of doctor appointments. The first was her 2 day follow up after being released from the hospital. And guess what? Little monkey actually GAINED weight. This is great news because it means nursing is satisfying her! Her billirubin (jaundice) levels were a little high so we had to go back in for a follow up on Saturday to have her tested again. She was a champ! Thankfully, the levels decreased so no further treatment was required. Monday, she had her hearing test and passed both ears!! We knew she would do great - she follows voices very well. Yay Makaela!

Nursing is going well and I'll write an entire post about the challenges of that later. Baby girl gets hiccups several times a day but doesn't get bothered by them at all! She really isn't a fussy girl. She is also QUITE the tooter. She has no shame grunting. But hey, better to get it out then have an upset tummy!! We love her little stink butt.

Little girl loves her pups and they sure do love her. We weren't sure how they would adjust, but after 1 day they were in love. In fact, I'm pretty sure they think she is THEIR baby. Rocky tends to be more protective, while Taylor is cautious.

Week One highlights....



*Being swaddled (with freedom to move those crazy arms)
*Her own hands

*Baby push-ups (tummy time with Daddy)

*Making funny faces
*Car rides

Does not love:

*Diap changes (modest monkey)
*Getting eye boogies wiped

What mommy and daddy love for her:

*Hand mittens
*Leggins (makes her feel less "exposed" during a diap change)


*Sucked thumb
*Went through 3 diaps in 5 minutes
*Umbilical cord fell off and belly button just has a small scab now

Nicknames we've used so far:

Makae Kae
Princess girl
Pretty girl
Hunny Bunny
Punkin girl
Lil Makaela

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