Monday, May 13, 2013

Sensory Bottles and Infant Massage

Guess what? Ver came to visit last week and we enjoyed some serious girl time. She flew out here the day after graduating with her M.S.W...yay!! Go Ver!

It was one good time after another. We spent time at the beach, downtown Seattle and of course got our  share of couch time and stuff-our-face-with-delicious-food time. There were many cupcakes, cookies and brownies to be had. Did I mention the visit conveniently fell over Cinco de Mayo?? That happens to be a special holiday for Ver and I. We didn't disappoint and were sure to celebrate with enchiladas and margaritas. And of course Makaela's lesbian mamas also caused a spectacle at the restaurant by not knowing how to properly secure her carseat in the (jacked-up) high chair. Hey lady sitting across from us, we could do without the stares, order a shot of tequila and simmer down.

So at this point you're probably wondering why the heck this post is titled "Sensory Bottles and Infant Massage." Well, anyone who knows me and Ver knows there had to be craft time. Since Ver has tons of experience in child development she suggested we make sensory bottles for baby Mak. And when I say we, I mean she, because I was really no help at all.

She dyed pasta, filled a bottle with water and red/white/blue glitter, filled a bottle with pom poms, dyed rice and added glitter, filled a bottle with dyed water and oil, and filled a bottle with glitter. To dye the pasta and rice she mixed food coloring with alcohol to make sure the dye adhered to the items. The bottles stimulate Makaela's little baby senses and will be great as she gets older and can shake, rattle and roll them on her own. Currently her favorite is the pom pom bottle. Thank you Ver!!

And the fun didn't stop there. Ver has taught infant massage to many of the families she works with, so when Tim mentioned I was going to take a class to learn, Ver offered to teach me! Makaela was in heaven. She loves it!! It calms her and she makes the most adorable oooo's and coo's. We've done it on our own a few times since Ver left and are trying to work it into our nightly routine. We like to turn down the lights and turn on the Toddler Tunes music channel which plays soothing music in the evening. If anyone is interested, YouTube also has lots of helpful videos. 

I love learning new, fun ways to spend time with my girl and help her learn <3

1 comment:

  1. allllllll right heather. ;) those sensory bottles are a great idea!
