Thursday, July 11, 2013

3 month photos!

I'll probably say this every month but wow time flies! I didn't think it was possible but I love this little lady more and more every day.

This month's monthly photos are a little different. I couldn't take them in her crib, which is the normal photo shoot location, and I foolishly forgot to bring her monthly-photo onesie with us, so it is still packed up on the moving truck making it's way to us. Since she turned 3 months on July 1st which was close to Independence Day we decided to dress her up in a cute patriotic outfit that Daddy got for her.

One thing I forgot to add in the caption below is that she LOVES blowing bubbles. She is a DROOLING MACHINE. Perhaps itty bitty teeth are on the way sooner rather than later?

The week before turning 3 months was spent in the car and someone sure did love her some roadtrip snacks. And by snacks I mean LOTS of breastmilk. I think she may have gained a pound!

^ This one is Tim's favorite. He says you can totally tell shes debating on whether she should smile or stick out her pouty lip. 

And here's a monthly comparison. I'm sure by the time she hits 12 months I'll learn to take the photos in the same lighting so that it can actually be a reasonable comparison. Hahah.


  1. this is a CUTENESS EXPLOSION!!!! also she looks sooo much like you in these.

  2. Thank you! She is such a goof...cracks me up.
