Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bananas and Boobs

Bananas and boobs. That is Miss Makaela's meal of choice these days. Yep, we started her on "big girl" food. At her four month appointment her doctor gave the go ahead to start foods, but I didn't feel she was QUITE ready yet. As the weeks progressed she started to show serious interest in what mommy and daddy were eating and became better at sitting up on her own so we figured it was time to give it a go.

I went back and forth on whether or not I wanted to start her on purees or do a baby-led weaning approach. Ultimately, I decided to start purees but am totally open to baby-led weaning down the road.

I've been making my own purees which is super easy (which I didn't expect) and super cheap. All of this was made from ONE sweet potato. Each "cube" is about an ounce, so the whole tray will supply many, many meals for her little tum-tum.

The first food she tried was bananas and that was a hit right out the gate. I don't freeze those because I had read they don't freeze well, so those are a make in the moment kind of meal, which takes all of 75 seconds. 

Next we moved onto sweet potatoes, apples and sweet peas. Sweet peas have been the least favorite thus far. 

We try one food at a time and eat that food for four days. Eating one food at a time helps rule things out if she has a reaction or shows signs of a food allergy. (Fingers crossed she doesn't have any food allergies like mama or worse!). I also like the idea of doing it over the course of four days because the first day she was not liking peas at all, the second day she was a good sport about it, and day three she was pretty much on board with them. 

During the first few days of eating, lunchtime always happened to fall right after bath time. Not my best idea. Now I know that bath time AFTER meal time is certainly the way to go (even though I think sweet potatoes smeared in eyebrows is totally in right now ;-)

Oh and I should also note that diaper activity has gone up a notch since starting purees, if you catch a whiff my drift. 

Look at that full belly!!

Can't wait for her to try more foods! I think avocados may be our next endeavor. Looking forward to the day when she eats more food and drinks less boob milk. Yep, I said it. 

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