Thursday, March 6, 2014

11 Month Photos!

Where the heck did February go!? It seemed like everyday I found myself saying "I'll have to do that tomorrow" and then tomorrow turned into the next day, and the next. Sheesh!

It was a busy month and one filled with some more milestones for baby Mak. She started walking. She got her third and fourth tooth. And yet again I was amazed at how much knowledge she soaked up and how quickly she learned new skillzzzzzzz.

Our growing girl is 11 months old. Wow. Just wow.

This past month was full of crazy cute faces...

And crazy cute hair...

And some crazy cute outfits...

No, that's not a belly shirt, it just happens to turn into one because the elastic likes to roll up over her buddha belly. Doesn't it make you giggle? 

Currently, she is very interested in figuring out how things work or how things are "supposed" to be. She likes to try and put on her own socks and shoes. This basically consists of her setting them on her feet, haha. It is very sweet.

Oh and something a little less sweet that she likes to figure out is the TV and the remote....they realllllly need to make it harder to record shows. Our queue is full of fun little surprises from this nugget.

Mak has also started to take an interest in dolls. She loves to kiss her baby and hold her hand, and in this picture below she was even humming to her! Heart officially melting.

In addition to loving on her baby she is super into puzzles! She has a Melissa and Dog set with basic shapes that get placed into pictures of dogs, trains, butterflies etc. and she has a great time with it. Circles are her specialty ;-)

And of course, she is still digging her magnets, especially now that she figured out they can stick to the dishwasher too. Every time she sticks one to the dishwasher she laughs. Silly magnet.

What else, what else....ah yes, MikMak is still not a great napper. By that I mean her naps are short and inconsistent. However, I am thankful that when she does nap, she is able to sleep pretty much anywhere....her crib, the car, her stroller, my back...

As far as her "official 11 month photo" goes, by now I'm happy to snap a shot of her 1) in the official onesie (which definitely doesn't snap anymore, but I'm amazed at how much stretch it truly had - it is size 0-3 months!) and 2) actually sitting still. So here you have it...

And of course, some of the outtakes. They've really become more and more obnoxious with the passing months.

In the next one she is pointing to a picture of a puppy dog in one of her books. We've been practicing "what noise does a doggy make..."

She is pretty geeked about dogs...and all animals for that matter...

Even though this was Mak's photoshoot she manages to look like SHE is photoboming GINGER. I love it. 

Looking forward to another month of fun, frustration and firsts before the big BIRTHDAY!

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