Wednesday, November 20, 2013

....and she's off!

Look out world, this little stinker is mobile.

She started scooting backward a couple months ago, and then about a month ago she started to do the whole "rocking" thing on her hands and knees but would usually flop down within a minute and throw a fit that usualllllllly looked like this...

The day she officially began "crawling" was 11/12/13. At first she would go about a foot and then stop and sit and then go a foot and stop and sit. She wasn't totally sold on it....that is, until she realized that being mobile actually worked to her advantage.

This week, a lightbulb went off and she realized the possibilities were endless. She could now crawl over to the dog food and water bowls, our cell phone and laptop cords and any and everything else she is NOT supposed to touch; things mommy and daddy would never walk her over to.

Such a little thrill seeker...

Aside from the fact that she seems motivated and tempted by things she isn't supposed to play with, the whole crawling thing is adorable. I love the smile she gets on her face when she is proud of herself. She follows me around the house, and perhaps I occasionally play "fetch" with her...

Oh, and I can't fail to mention the time earlier this week when I caught Rocky HUMPING her as she tried to innocently crawl around the living room. That dog.....he's just not right.

Miss Makaela has a couple variations of crawling up her sleeve. One is the traditional crawl; she prefers that on carpet. And then there is the gorilla crawl, which she feels is best suited for tile or wood floor.  See exhibit A and B below...

This girl has eyes like a hawk. I'm not joking when I say if there is a piece of sand or a hair on the ground she WILL find it and she WILL eat it. 

Thank goodness I started childproofing a couple weeks ago because she is already pulling books off shelves, and opening cupboards and drawers. Nosey Nancy!!


  1. i am REALLY into the gorilla crawl

    1. Sometimes there are even gorilla like grunts to go along with it. She really likes to get into character.
