Monday, November 4, 2013

Sensory Sunday Funday: Contact Paper Window Craft

For over a month now, Makaela has been FASCINATED with playing at the window. She loves looking out it, banging on in, resting her head against it, talking to the dogs through name it.

I knew a project that involved extra time at the ol' window would be a hit. I ordered contact paper, feathers, ribbon and felt buttons from Amazon Prime and gathered some pink and purple post-its that I had on hand. 

For this Sunday Funday activity, I cut a small piece of contact paper and taped it to the window so that the sticky side was facing us, and gave Makaela goodies to create a collage!

Her favorites were definitely the feathers. She must have liked the way they felt because she played with them in her hands for quite some time. The fact that everything was brightly colored probably didn't hurt either.

I demonstrated sticking items to the contact paper first, and then she caught on, although I have to say, she was more interested in taking items OFF the contact paper instead of adding stuff ONTO it. 

The items we used were small and could pose a choking hazard, but since I was doing the project WITH her I wasn't worried about her sneaking any feathers or ribbons into her mouth. 

Currently, the artist's masterpiece is hanging on the window more at mommy and daddy's eye level so we can admire it, but the plan is to get a frame or shadow box for it. I love the idea of framing kid's artwork for display. I can totally tell I'm going to be that mom that doesn't want to get rid of ANYTHING her kid brings home from school!!

This was a fun and easy project that we will surely try again at different ages. I hope she enjoys craft time together as much as I do <3


  1. this is SUCH a cute project! also, love the skinny jeans gurl.

    1. Errr thankerz! Funny you mention the skinny jeans because I told her she could be twinsies with Auntie one can rock em like you girl!
