Saturday, November 2, 2013

7 month photos!

Holy guacamole, our baby girl is creeping closer and closer to 1 year old. It is incredible how much babies change in 7 days, not to mention how much change happens in SEVEN MONTHS.

At her last well child check our little big girl weighed in at 18.1 pounds and measured 27 inches. That put her in the 81st and 82nd percentiles.

Makaela is OBSESSED with walking while holding Mommy or Daddy's hands. Sometimes she runs. It is insane. I don't know how her little legs have the energy to go go go all day. She has also been putting more effort into learning to crawl lately as well. I wouldn't be surprised if she is one of those weird kids that skips crawling and goes straight to walking, but we'll see what happens!

Standing alone is also all the rage these days. One day she was super wobbly (in fact, it looked like she was giving Miley a run for her money, doing some kind of goofy twerking motion) and then, magically, the next day she came in like a wrecking ball. Okay, I don't even know what that means. Bad Miley joke. What I meant to say was like she she improved overnight.

Bubbles are becoming more interesting to her now too. We introduced her to them a couple months ago and she just sort of stared in awe. Now she likes to try and catch them or pop them on the ground. It's pretty dang cute.

Oh, and this month's photo shoot was funny. Well at least I thought so. The little girl was tired after a busy day, and was less than thrilled for a good chunk of the photo shoot. 

We did manage to capture some smiles, but I decided to go with a not-so smiley photo. She looks pathetically sweet, no? 

Nice job gracefully pointing your toes mid-hissy fit, ballerina girl. It's so hard being little.

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