Monday, February 17, 2014

She Walks!

Guess who can walk now?!?!

^^^ This girl!

 And apparently she likes to do it with her hands full! 

And to think I thought it was hard to snap a photo of her before!! 

What we would officially call her "first steps" occurred on February 4th, just a few days after her 10 month birthday.  She could hardly contain her excitement.

Every day since then she has grown more confident (and more focused, haha). It really is like everyone says, all of a sudden they go and there is no stopping 'em!

This was just a few days later, and she had already become an independent woman...

Walking has really opened so many new doors for her....

(Pun totally intended because I'm cheesy like that)

And now, not even two weeks later the girl is all over the place. From one end of the house to the other, cutting corners like a pro. At this pace she'll be signed up for her first 5k next month ;-)

I swear I do other things besides chase her around with my video camera all day. 

We are looking forward to running around the park this Spring and the pool this summer. Okay, no running at the pool, that's just down right dangerous, but you catch my drift ;-)

So proud of our munchkin girl!


  1. Yaaay for walking. That's always exciting (and exhausting for Mommy). She's absolutely adorable. I found you on Top Mommy Blogs by the way.
