Wednesday, March 6, 2013

All my bags are packed....

....I'm (theoretically) ready to go.  I started packing my hospital bag weeks ago. At first it was fun....I got a new robe, some new slippers.....and then as I was actually stuffing the goods in the bag reality hit me that I wasn't packing for a girls weekend or a romantic getaway. I was packing for the hospital...scary! So in pure me-fashion, I stopped packing and said I'd get back to that later ;-)

Well later has finally happened, and the bags are all set.

I read lots of articles about what moms packed in their bags, and what they actually used vs didn't use. Here's my theory....there's not a whole lot I can control for the big labor and delivery day...if there is anything I can pack to make me feel even slightly more comfortable or at home, I'm packing it. I might not use half of it, but man will I be sad if I don't have something I want in the moment. Not to mention, I'll be there for at least 48 hours (hospital policy for first time moms)

I packed things like yoga and sweat pants, loose fitting shirts, robe and slippers, a nursing tank, nursing bras, granny panties, nursing pads, toiletries, feminine products, chapstick, my own toilet paper (seems silly, but lots of moms said they were sooo happy they brought a roll), my birth plan (which I prefer to call birth goals.....we all know things aren't going to go according to plan), and our parking pass. We will toss in things like the kindle, tablet, phone chargers and snacks the day of. Tim won't be allowed to stay overnight (hospital policy) so he won't need a change of clothes.

Baby's bag has her going home outfits (nothing fancy), blankets, burp cloths, wipes, hand sanitizer and travel first aid kit (this is her diaper bag/my purse that we'll be using from here on out).

The good news is that we know if she comes unexpectedly and we don't have the bags with us, the hospital will have everything we need.

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