Friday, March 29, 2013

Oh, hey due date...

Spoiler alert: I'm still pregnant. Annnnnnd this post is long.

When I last posted we were going in for an induction. We got to the hospital, and got settled in our room, I scarfed down a sandwich because they told me it would be the last time I could eat until after delivery, answered a bunch of questions, and started getting hooked up to all the lovely machines (IV, fetal heart monitor, contraction monitor and BP cuff). After all that the on call L&D doctor came in to check me and come up with a "game plan."

I hadn't made any progress since my last appointment. I was still about 50% effaced and 0 cm dilated, contracting about every 2-2.5 minutes. The doctor talked with us about all the "labor and delivery possibilities" so we understood what methods may be used during induction and what to expect. He wanted to get me started on pitocin so I got hooked to yet another lovely tube and was told that I would have to stay in bed but could get up to use the restroom. I already knew I was going to be sick of the bed in a hurry. I think I was tangled in my gown and all the tubes coming out of me within 5 minutes.

My blood pressure got checked every 20 minutes, and the nurse came in just about as often to update stuff on the computer and occasionally bump up my pitocin. I wasn't feeling anything, so was actually able to get some rest in between the periodic checks.

After about 11 hours on pitocin the doctor came in to check me again to see if progress had been made. I figured something HAD to have happened...I mean it'd been 11 hours, despite the fact I still didn't feel pain. Well....we were at the same point as when we came in. The doctor talked to use again about the next possible steps, and I told him again that the foley bulb sounded TERRIFYING.

They were happy that the baby was tolerating the pitocin so well, and also mentioned that my BP had not been high AT ALL since being admitted.

The doctor came back in with his attending advisor and started with "We've been looking over your chart...." Immediately I thought the next words were going to be "since things don't seem to be progressing we'd like to prep you for c-section." THANKFULLY I was VERY wrong.

They talked about how I really am a healthy person, and the baby was doing very well. They said "you are already at a pretty high dosage of pitocin....we can continue with the induction which realistically could take another 3 days. We know you made arrangements to come in and perhaps have family already on their way OR we feel comfortable that you and baby are stable enough that you can go home, and come back when you spontaneously go into labor."

Call me naive, but I didn't EVER consider this would be an option! I thought inductions led to the inevitable....a baby being born one way or the other.

I looked over at Tim and we both quickly agreed we wanted to go home. Seriously, what a blessing. We would much rather not force things that obviously aren't ready to happen. And how exciting is it that my BP seems to not be an issue again!?!

So here is what we learned:

1. My body is holding the baby hostage. This little girl is stubborn. She's calling all the shots.
2. Tim should bring a blanket next time. Covering up with my spring coat wasn't ideal.
3. If I had to wait 3 days without eating, I would probably give myself a c-section.

Fast forward to today. Baby girl's due date and our 40 week appointment. No changes. Our doctor is working L&D Wednesday night so wants us to come in then to get monitored (make sure baby is doing well, that amniotic fluid levels are sufficient etc.). If we are both healthy we can give her until Friday to come out on her own, but if not we will have a no-turning-back induction. IF by unfortunate chance things don't look ideal on Wednesday (once babies are overdue there is concern about the placenta not functioning as well or baby releasing meconium) then our doctor will start the induction that night.

But hey, who knows, little girl could come before Wednesday on her own. Tim HAS said all along that she is going to be an April Fools Day baby.

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