Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Makaela Moments

A few days ago we went out to lunch. Makaela's high chair was mayyyyyybe 18 inches away from the people sitting at the table next to us. Miss Makaela, being the friendly gal she is decided she wanted to meet her dining partners. After all, "hiiiiiiii" is one of her favorite words right now.

So imagine this, she's twisted in her high chair staring these people down (this child will DESTROY you in a staring contest, she has no fear of eye contact) with a huge chubby cheeked smile on her face saying Hi! Hiiii! hhiiiii! hiii. hi iii. Hi! Hiiii! Hi! Hiiii! hhiiiii! hiii. hi iii. Hi! Hiiii!

Me and Tim were giggling quietly, and the little boy at the table next to us, who was maybe 6 years old, started getting shifty eyes after about 50 "hi's" from MikMak. You could tell he was uncomfortable and didn't know what to do. God I wish I had it on video. Finally the mom at the table noticed Makaela and returned the hi and a smile.

That's all it took, Makaela waved, turned back around in her seat and shot an accomplished smile at Tim and I.

You should totally try this the next time you go out for a meal. You, as in the adult. Picture it. Imagine how uncomfortable the unsuspecting patron next to you would be, it'd really heighten their dining experience.

Beware of the stare! Come on, how can you not return a smile to this pretty little thang? 

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