Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Feeling baby move...

Judging by our ultrasounds we have a future break dancer on the way. Tim said it looked like she was trying to break out of the womb, LOL.

It was strange to see her boppin' around, twisting and turning because I couldn't feel her at all. But over the past couple weeks I have been starting to feel movement. It is still fairly random, and not clearly defined (I certainly can't tell if she's kicking me, punching me, or doing somersaults) but it's something!

I was told because I have an anterior placed placenta it more or less creates an extra little cushion/buffer between, so many women don't feel strong movement until later in the pregnancy because of this.

What I can feel is pretty crazy though. It makes me jump every time. For real. Not because it's intense, but because it startles me. It's like a little flutter-pow-random-spasm feeling. You know exactly what I'm talking about right? Haha.

Frankly I'm proud of myself for not being totally freaked out by the whole thing. I've come a long way considering up until recently I would talk about pregnancy like it was a parasite-host relationship....a little "thing" feeding off the mother's flesh and blood. Yes, I'm that dramatic.  Talk about motherly instincts ;-)

The girl that vomited in her sex education seminar each year of school