Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Traveling during pregnancy...

I'm by no means an expert but I've traveled a few times during the first and second trimester. The bean has been to Chicago, Michigan and Florida...and even made some stops in North Carolina, Georgia and Minnesota thanks to lovely layovers :) I'm just beginning to feel movement and this little one was a bit of a wiggle worm during take off!

Everyone is different, but my doctor had no issues with me flying during these first 20 weeks of the pregnancy.

With each flight I've learned a little more about what works best for my pregnant self.

1. I still prefer window seats for nighttime flying. It's easier for me to curl up and sleep, and I don't have to be interrupted by my neighbors needing to get up to use the restroom or whatever.

2. I prefer aisle seats for daytime flying. This allows me to stretch out my legs and adjust more. Those seats get even more uncomfortable when you're pregnant, thanks to extra weight and loosened joints. Oh and the aisle is definitely the way to go if you're one of the lucky ladies that has to pee all the time. Thankfully that hasn't been an issue for me - thank you 20 gallon bladder.

3. I mostly travel alone and large carry-ons have become a hassle. Everything gets a little bit harder when you're pregnant, and you get out of breath just a little bit more.....so the idea of toting around a carry-on throughout the airport isn't for this girl. Also, tossing that carry-on into a cramped overhead bin isn't as easy. 20 pounds feels like 50 pounds. At least.

4. Pregnant Erin doesn't mind layovers. Normally I just want to get from Point A to Point B as quick as possible but the pregnant me likes to break up long flights with a layover. It gives you a chance to stretch, get a snack and use a real bathroom.

4. I still need to take motion sickness medication. I've dealt with motion sickness my whole life. Seriously, I used to get sick from just a 15 minute car ride. Planes, trains, rollercoasters...you name it, they all make me vom. My doctor prescribed me a different type of medication that is safe during pregnancy. It doesn't work AS well as my pre-pregnancy pills, but it gets the job done well enough.

5. I've become even more disgusted/irritated by people's nasty habits. C'mon folks, in what world is it okay to cough and sneeze without covering your mouth on a tiny enclosed plane with stale air?? Gross. I'm getting sick just thinking about it.

I have no set plans to fly again before the bean arrives, but I imagine some of those long hauls could become pretty uncomfortable with a big ol' belly.

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