Sunday, December 23, 2012

Craft Time!


A few weeks ago, me and a friend got together and decided we were going to teach ourselves to knit and would make a hat that day. No big deal right? "We've got this." One of the website's said "allow yourself about 30 minutes to complete the project." LIARS.

Ummm....6 hours later the only thing we had mastered was casting on, and it turns out you can't make anything when that's all you know how to do.

We spent a lot of time watching YouTube videos and looking for easy patterns but we just weren't getting it. We both admitted that had we been trying this venture alone, we would have given up within the first hour haha.

We decided to call it a day and vowed to try again in a few days. Well, those few days helped. I finally had my "aha!" moment, and things started to make sense. Speed is certainly not my thing, and my accuracy is a little lacking too (I often forgot if I was supposed to be using the knit stitch or the purl stitch, but I just rolled with it). However, I have to say I'm pretty proud of my creation.

And because we bought 5 skeins of yarn (we're amateurs okay? I swear one of the patterns said we needed 300 something yards, lol) I have enough left to perhaps make myself a matching scarf, that might be done in time for next winter ;-)

Here's hoping the hat fits, and doesn't fall apart when we put it on her head. She better LOVE it and pass it down to her grandchildren one day. That's not TOO much to ask right?

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