Saturday, December 8, 2012

Soccer Mom

According to my pregnancy tracker my uterus is the size of a soccer ball. Ummm....has anyone come into contact with a soccer ball lately? They aren't small!!!

When I wake up in the morning my tum-tum tends to look and feel smaller, but as the day progresses the bump grows. By the end of the day I have such a sense of fullness, and I certainly can't pinch an inch on this belly.

I thought this was scary, but then I realized it's going to get bigger.  Terrifying territory up next.

Oh and, what about the other organs in my abdominal cavity?!? Thanks to the baby cavity, they have to be squished right?? In the words of OMC, how bizarre, how bizarre.

Speaking of soccer, someone's kicks sure are getting more powerful...
The bean is now more like the size of a beanSTALK. She's about a pound and half and 12 inches long. Footlong anyone?

I wonder what she's up to in there all day. Tim thinks she's trying to break outta there and that's what all the movement is. Maybe. Or maybe she's doing yoga. Or breakdancing. Or preparing her gymnastics routine for the 2032 Olympics.

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