Sunday, January 13, 2013

Glider FAIL :(

Back when we posted early pictures of the nursery we mentioned the gray and white glider we were planning to get.

Well that bad boy went on sale, so we snatched it up. It was delivered to the store yesterday and we rushed to pick it up. We were SO excited, and had visions of finishing the nursery this weekend.

Sadly, when we got it home we noticed it wasn't gray at all. It was a dark mocha color. Sigh.

We called the store and provided all the specifications. They looked at the one they have on their showroom floor and confirmed theirs was gray. They have no clue why ours is mocha, and offered to order a new one. However, since they don't know why it came in mocha, and there isn't a "select a color" option when placing the order, we declined. We don't want to wait another 7-14 days to be disappointed again! We also asked if we could just buy the floor sample, because it's EXACTLY what we want....they gave us a big fat no. Some sort of safety cover-their-butt policy. But don't think we won't try and sweet talk them one more time when we make the drive up there again to return the mocha glider.

So, last night we spent a lot of time perusing the internet in search of a gray glider or comfy gray nursery appropriate chair.

Here's what we learned.....they aren't cheap. What to do? What to do?

A chair in the nursery isn't a NECESSITY, but we've envisioned it for so long it's hard to shake the idea!

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