Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I feel pregnant

As of late, everyone I come into contact with has a comment about the bump. Perceptions go from one extreme to the next. For example, today I was told that I don't look pregnant at all from the front or back. Two hours later I was told that my bump looked like a mountain. It's funny how everyone has their own idea of what 7 months pregnant looks like.

At this stage the baby alone is gaining 1/2 a pound a week! I don't really feel the extra weight/strain on my body, but it's definitely visible! It seems like what I wear has a huge effect on how pregnant I look. I've noticed that sometimes those comfy, flowy outfits actually make me look 10 pounds bigger. Mirrors should be outlawed.

In addition to feeling pregnant because of all the growth, I've also been having some little dizzy spells lately (yet I thought it was a good idea to wear 4 inch heels to work today). The dizziness isn't anything huge to worry about, but I do need to work harder on reaching that GALLON OF WATER a day quota. Dude. That's A LOT of fluids. I was also advised to eat small snacks every 2 hours. I've been pretty good about that, but as a result I'm not really hungry when it comes time for a "real meal" at lunch or dinner. So here's what happens as a result of that:

Tim: What did you eat this morning?
Me: I don't know Tim, I had a hard-boiled egg, some apricots. This and that.
Tim: Oh my god. You need to eat REAL FOOD. You are starving the baby. You need to have an actual meal.
Me: I promise I'm not starving the baby...

Imagine this SAME conversation repeated at least 3 times a day everyday :-)

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