Monday, February 11, 2013

Update on classes

We finished all of our pre-natal classes! All of the classes we attended were offered through our hospital. We learned a lot of great information and received a ton of helpful paperwork, but it's kind of nice to be able to check those classes off the to-do list.

Sitting through 2 hour classes during dinner time, after a full day at work = not the most fun.

The first class we went to was a Breastfeeding Class. I didn't know a lot about breastfeeding other than what I've read online....and you know ladies love to share their horror/failure stories more than their success stories on the ol' world wide web.

This class really put me at ease and made me feel a lot more comfortable with the idea. I went from being pretty sure I couldn't do it/it wouldn't work out, to thinking "hey, I think I can do this."

Don't get me wrong, playing with a doll and fake boob was weird. And, if I REALLY think about a baby sucking fluid out of me I get grossed out. And, many of the suggestions to get the baby to latch made me giggle...but I'm still going to give it a go.

The next class we had was Infant-Child Safety. This was a fairly short class, but they gave out lots of brochures and papers to take home. We talked about everything from efficient child-proofing, to carseat safety and SIDS. Oh, and we even scored a prize at this class....heck yeah.

Our third class was the Birth Plan/Tour of L&D. Sadly, we didn't actually get a tour of the delivery rooms because there were a crap load of ladies in labor, and they need to keep a certain number of rooms sterile, in case a mama gets rushed in. However, the discussion about birth plans was very beneficial. Tim and I both loved the nurse that held the class and are crossing our fingers that somehow we get her on the big day. I had some crazy fears that this hospital was going to be super strict, and set in their ways and would force me to do things I didn't want to do, and would confine me to the hospital bed for the whole labor. I was worried for real. Fortunately, I found out I was WAY wrong and I have tons of choices. All of the things I *think* I want are feasible. I'm still terrified of that getting-closer-by-the-minute-day of course, but at least I know (assuming me and baby are progressing normally) I can do what I want, yo. Anything to ward off at least one meltdown or panic attack, right?

The last class we took was What to Expect in Labor/Pain Management/Newborn Care. This class discussed a lot about the progression of labor and different options for pain management. We were not a fan of the nurse that held this class. Tim had it right when he said "I feel like she'd be pushy." At the end they showed a birth video. It was at that point in the class that Tim peaced out. It was mostly animated (thank.god) and of course showed calm moms and was narrated by people with soothing voices (think opposite of "A Baby Story") I stayed to watch, but covered my eyes for the delivery portion. Eww. Please....I.don' I will most definitely NOT be the lady that requests a mirror or wants to look at the head as it's coming fact, I don't even want to see any of the medical tools. K thanks.

So there you have it, we're all educated and stuff now ;-)

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