Saturday, December 28, 2013

Makaela's First Christmas

Makaela's first Christmas was perfect, if I do say so myself. We enjoyed a nice, relaxing family day....basically my dream holiday scenario. Many times Tim is overseas for Christmas, so it was extra special that we could all spend Makaela's first one together!

She must have made the cut for Santa's nice list because she received some super fun gifts, and it is obvious that her family and friends definitely love to spoil her rotten because they sent very generous and thoughtful presents as well. Thank you, thank you, thank you all.  We appreciate it so much.

Rumor has it Santa l-o-v-e-s slightly undercooked chocolate chip cookies....and since he is such a swell fella, we made a plate for him.

Then we followed our normal bedtime routine, but in footed pajamas, of course. They are a non-negotiable holiday must. Makaela wore her "Merry Grinchmas" ones and I wore my (not so festive) shark ones.

On Christmas morning when the little one woke up around 730 we scooped her up and took her in to open presents. I full anticipated that she would loose interest after two gifts or would be fixated on the wrapping paper only, but boy was I wrong! She was TOTALLY into it. I'm not kidding when I say she was fascinated by EACH gift she received and took time to touch and explore them all. What.a.little.doll.

She got such a great variety of gifts. Not only are they all fun, but they challenge her in different ways...doesn't get much better than that. She got LeapFrog learning toys, sensory balls, blocks, colorful Melissa & Doug caterpillar and butterfly gears, animal and car push toys, an animal see and say toy, a lion Scentsy buddy, books, stacking cups, magnets, adorable TinyToms shoes, a plush rug, a car-shaped activity center and some music makers!

In an effort to keep things fresh and exciting and not let any toys be forgotten, we try and pull out a variety of toys daily. We also keep them in different rooms, so she has new things to "discover" in each room. It's a blast and a half to see her light up with excitement playing with or snuggling her new goodies. 

Miss Makaela also "picked out" some special gifts for Mommy and Daddy. Daddy got some clothes, gift cards and electronics, along with this handmade coffee mug stuffed with coffee treats...

I traced Makaela's little hand onto paper and then cut it out and taped it onto the mug and used a sharpie to dot an outline. Once I finished doing that, I removed the paper, and stuck on a "d" and "a" sticker. Next, I picked out three sharpies (I wanted to create an ombre effect) and went to town dot-ing away. After I was done, I removed the "da" and tossed the mug in the oven at 425 for 35 minutes. I put the mug in the oven while the oven preheated, to allow it to adjust to the gradual heat. I will most likely go over this with ceramic markers so that this little guy becomes dishwasher safe, but for now we don't mind hand washing him!

Makaela got Mommy some clothes, a massage gift certificate and these fabulous rings...

They are custom made and say "Tim" and "Makaela." I first saw these on one of my favorite blogs when I was pregnant with little miss, and have had them on my wish list ever since. I looooooove them. 

All that gift opening caused us to work up an appetite. I'm a sucker for traditions and told myself I want to have a special breakfast that I make Makaela every year. Behold the Rudolph pancake...


It's a good thing I plan to make them every year, because I sure do need the practice! Perhaps by her 10th Christmas I'll have it down. The antlers are made of turkey bacon, and the eyes are whipped cream with a craisin in the middle. His nose is a Rolo because someone (me) forgot to buy strawberries at the grocery store - dang!

This lady loves her some pancakes...

And now that Christmas is over I may or may not be starting to plan someone's first birthday celebration...

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