Sunday, April 6, 2014

Auntie Shanerz visits 'bama!!!

Last weekend Shana came to visit. We were SO excited to see her (We'd been counting down for months) and it was extra special that she was here for Mak's party!!

She was such a trooper and flew in after being out of town for workt the whole week. We greeted her at the one-gate airport with rain, a large off-white SUV like everyone else and smiles...and then we made a quick stop at Walgreen's to pick up photos...

Oh hey hot mess baby...

After that we hightailed it over to Chili's where we had the BEST TIME. I mean, how do you not have a blast at Chili's? It is delicious. 

Makaela enjoyed sorting through the sugar, slurping a fruit pouch and showing Shana just how quick yogurt melts dissolve in one's mouth. 

We laughed a ton and giggled awkwardly as Mak stared down some fellow diners until they smiled back at her. 

Shana was bombarded greeted by Rocky and Ginger the second she walked through the door. Um why did I not get any photos of them with Auntie Shanerz?! Oh right, maybe because Rocky was too busy licking Ginger's ear and humping her all day. Hmm. 

Girl chat continued as we gave Mak a bath. We tried not to laugh as she did some deep squats and attempted to escape from the tub by flinging one leg up and out. She was full of sillies and just loved putting on a show practicing her "uh-oh" (which she mastered the next day). Shana witnessed a milestone, yessssssssssssss.  

And then Mak transformed into a mini-Tim. Shana was so right, that face in the picture below is a spitting image of Tim's baseball picture circa 1995. 

After putting the nugget to bed we got down to BIZNAS. Shana chopped up some awesome streamers for Mak's party while I shaped a tissue paper ball. We party prepped our little hearts out all night, and by all night I mean until my 9-ish bedtime ;-)

I wouldn't have survived the next morning of party preparations with out Chjanea! A true friend coats everything in sprinkles, and that is precisely what she did. Between the cupcakes from Gigi's we had for breakfast and sampling everything frosting and sprinkle covered we were living high on sugar. Shana's taste buds may or may not have been shocked into inflammation during her hiatus from Shent ;-)

Later that night we ditched the bambino (and Tim) and went out for sushi. We were like two hicks who ain't never had no raw fishes before. Using chopsticks upside down, dropping bites, flinging name it, we did it. It was glorious. 

Sunday our lady love adventures continued with several more trips to Mcdonald's and some shopping. Auntie Shanerz treated Mak to some ADORABLE blue hair clips (made of sleeping bag, right? haha) and a fun Nemo bath toy. Lucky girrrrrrrrrrl.

When we got home we played games and realized how similar Mak is to a cat. Shana has a Friskies app on her IPad that her cats love to play and what do ya know, Mak ALSO loved it. Hahaha. Animal/baby comparisons are so spot on, I'm telling you!

It was SUCH a great weekend and it went by way too fast. Blah. Please stay forever next timmmmme Shana! We can airdrop all day e'ry day. It would be a dream. Thank you so very, very much for all of the wonderful photos and videos you captured, for traveling cross country to spend time with us, for the sweet gifts, for putting up with my constant nose blowing and for being so easy breezy!! You are a GEM. Loverz ya!!!

1 comment:

  1. aw!!!!!!!!!!! i had such an awesome time, thank you tolbert fam! misserz you
