Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Happy First Birthday, Makaela!

Dear Makaela,

Today is your FIRST BIRTHDAY! Holy cow, so much has changed in the past year.

On this day last year, you were swaddled tightly in a hospital blanket with a knit cap on your head. You spent most of the day sleeping and I had to wake you so you would eat. I wondered when you would learn to sit up, crawl, and walk. What would be your first word? We lived in Washington.

Today you wore an adorable spring dress with a ponytail in your hair. You spent most of the day following me around, playing outside on the back patio and snacking on grapes. I wonder when you'll start using a spoon on your own and if you'll like whole milk. What will be your favorite song? We live in Alabama now.

You've taught me so much over the past year. I've never smiled so much or laughed at such silly things. Daddy and I love singing songs with you, reading books, and playing ball. Nothing beats chasing you around and "gitting you" or watching you pester the dogs.

I can already see a glimpse of the little lady you are becoming and I am so proud. You are sweet, silly, sassy, smart and beautiful. To me you are perfection.

I hope one day you read this blog and can smile at all the fun moments we've shared and the memories we've made.

You are forever my baby girl and you make my heart complete.

1 comment:

  1. so sweet! made me tear up a little, don't tell anyone.
